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1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Hendrick's (be as heavy as you like)
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
2 sli Cucumber

Muddle 1 cucumber slice with the gin and lime, and strain into an ice filled copper mule mug. Top with ginger beer, and garnish with a new cucumber slice


The copper mule mug is not only for presentation, but it keeps the drink extra cold. You can use a 16 oz pint glass as well


A simple variation of the many gin twists (including Hendrick's own) of the Moscow Mule

Cocktail summary
Picture of Hendrick's Mule (JMW's)
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Created by
Jason Westplate, John G. Martin of G.F. Heublein Brothers, Inc.
Is an
altered recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(8 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Great feature for Hendriks - shines through without overpowering. Used 1/4 lime and 1/4 lemon, 2+ oz gin and dash of celery bitters cuz why not?
  • Tasty as you'd expect, but a little "thin." — ★★★
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