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2 oz Gold rum, Appleton Special
1 oz Cynar

Stir with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass


Playing with the basic Manhattan approach and using my newly acquired Cardamon Bitters.

Cocktail summary
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author's original creation
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2.5 stars
(2 ratings)
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MOJO1229 commented on 10/24/2016:

No guiding comments, no ratings, and no true gold rum. The odds were against me, but I decided to give "Jamacian Art" a try, mostly because the recipe is simple and straightforward. Besides, I have so many rums, I was able to come up with a rum that approximated a gold rum, while in truth it was a shade or so darker--I chose Mount Gay Eclipse, a Barbados rum that is quite smooth and full tasting. The rum notes come through, but the cynar keeps the rum from overwhelming everything, and the Cardaman bitters adds a complementary taste, giving the cocktail a fuller, rounder taste.

When all is said and done, I rate this cocktail between 3.5 and 4.0. I will be buying a bottle of Bacardi Gold to try the "Jamacian Art" with a true gold rum. I may find the taste to be different; who knows? A sidenote: I used a small swatch of orange, expressed its oil, and then dropped the orange peel into the drink. A nice garnish. I would not use a large swatch, resulting in a large amount of expressed oil. I think doing so would unbalance the various flavors inherent in this otherwise tasty drink.