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3⁄4 oz Orange Curaçao
3⁄4 oz Cognac
1 oz Whole egg
1 pn Nutmeg (Freshly grated)
1 pn Orange peel (Freshly grated)

Add all ingredients to a shaker with ice and shake well to emulsify the egg. Serve in frosted London dock glass and dust with nutmeg and orange zest.


Unusual name for a rich cocktail that can take the place of dessert

Cocktail summary
Posted by Ke_LAN on
Created by
Dale DeGroff
Is an
authentic recipe

From The Craft of the Cocktail by Dale DeGroff

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(2 ratings)
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  • Like a slightly funky eggnog.
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yarm commented on 12/16/2024:

This is not a shaken drink but a layered one with the egg white beaten stiff on top and the unbroken egg yolk in the middle taken in a 4 step process. Dates back to Leo Engel in 1878 and makes for a great hazing/group bonding experience when done as in the link and not like a Flip:

lesliec commented on 12/18/2024:

Is it Knickerbein as above or Knickebein (no 'r') as in Fred's link?

yarm commented on 12/18/2024:

I've seen it spelled that way too. The OG is a German word that got mis-transcribed a lot (like in Harry Johnson and books that sourced those books). Not only was the name not written correctly, the 4 step procedure and how to build it were also lost in the game of recipe telephone. I didn't have room in my Oxford Companion of Cocktails and Spirits to talk about the drink going awry over time as the details were shed or mutated in newer books, but it erroneously ended up in the same build style as the Angel's Tit or as a Flip.