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2 oz Jalapeño tequila, Tanteo (Or infuse your own, see notes.)
2 oz Lavender Honey Syrup (Homemade, see notes)

Shake and strain into an ice filled parfait glass. Garnish with a sprig of fresh lavender.


The original directions call for making the Lavender Honey Syrup from scratch, but I just use equal parts Lavender Honey and very hot water. Stir till dissolved. A very popular drink during summer at the restaurant. Also hard to come by the Tanteo Jalapeno Tequila so we infused our own with 2 whole jalapenos added to 2 bottles of good quality Tequila. Remove the jalapenos after 4 days as they start to pickle and the Tequila can get a little too spicy.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Adam Landsman
Is an
authentic recipe

Market Watch Magazine, May 2011

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4 stars
(2 ratings)
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sjdiaz21 commented on 1/03/2012:

Oh, I can see how it would seem to be 2 drinks since most cocktails seem to be between 3 to 3 1/2 or so ounces. It's 1 drink, a pretty tall one. When we serve this at the restaurant we put it in a 14 oz Pilsner glass packed with ice. I believe from the picture in the original magazine the Parfait glass was around that size. Hope that clears it up.