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1 1⁄2 oz Oude genever, Bols
3⁄4 oz Strawberry shrub (See note)
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

Stir with ice and strain into a chilled Nick & Nora glass. Squeeze a small amount of lemon oil over the top of the glass and garnish with a lemon twist.


To make the strawberry shrub, mash up 12 oz of strawberries and mix in a sealable glass jar with 5 oz of sugar. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, strain the liquid into a sterilized glass jar and mix in 1 oz of white balsamic vinegar. Store in the refrigerator. Let it settle for a day before using.


This cocktail is based on an old recipe called the Blood Hound, originally published by Tom Bullock in his book The Ideal Bartender in 1917. Bullock's recipe used Old Tom gin and fresh strawberries. In 1930, Harry Craddock published his own variation of the Bloodhound in the Savoy Cocktail Book which used dry gin, fresh strawberries and sweet and dry vermouth. This is my own variation on the Bloodhound using barrel aged genever and a white balsamic strawberry shrub.

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Picture of Oude Bloodhound
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From other users
  • Perfect for summer. I had a shrub that was made of 1C sugar, 1C water, 2C strawberries, 200ml champagne vinegar
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