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2 oz Aromatized wine, Lillet Blanc
1⁄4 oz Pistachio liqueur, Pistache

Shake in a Boston mixer with ice cubes, etc. etc. One pistachio nut to garnish.


Pistache has a fairly honest pistachio flavor, though it's a bit treacly and one-note, and the vivid green color is a little psychedelic. Another nut liqueur might make for a better cocktail.


My friend inherited a bottle of Pistache pistachio liqueur (made--but now discontinued--by the makers of Cointreau), which he gave to me, since he had no idea what to do with it. This is a first shot at a worthy use.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Jonathan Powers, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
3 stars
(2 ratings)
Yields Drink

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  • Anyone have a quarter ounce of Dumante Verdenoce (I can't seem to find it in Quebec) they'd be willing to spend on a worthy experiment?
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