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1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Tanqueray
1⁄2 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse
1⁄2 oz Cassis
1⁄2 oz Bianco Vermouth (Baldoria bitter)
1⁄8 oz Rose water

Long stir, coupe.


The drink would benefit from a navy strength gin. Baldoria is a vermouth brand launched by two famous cocktails bars in Paris (lu lu white and the little red door). It's pale, like a bianco but slightly pink. Low bitterness (like byrrh). Difficult to sub, maybe a mix between a dry vermouth/rosé vermouth/byrrh. It's sweet, very spicy and herbal, bitter, with very light texture. A pleasure!


Pay day! I've went to a shop never been which opened a year ago:
Maybe 1000 meters square dedicated to spirits+ a bar on the same place!
It's like a Disney land but for serious and conscious drinkers.

Bought the 3rd bottle of mezcal in my life. And i am enjoying a lot this one. If someone have recommendations about mezcal...

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From other users
  • Also good with 1/6 oz fresh lemon juice, 1/4-1/2 tsp Cappelletti Sfumato Rabarbaro, lemon peel garnish
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