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1 oz Campari
1 rinse Absinthe (as glass rinse)
1 twst Lemon peel (expressed and discarded)

Stir with ice, strain into a double old fashioned glass pre-rinsed with absinthe, and garnish with lemon oil from a twist.


I began with the concept of a Ferrari (the Fernet Branca-Campari duo) crossed with a Red Hook, and I felt that it needed additional flavors. With Maraschino in the mix, it made me think of an Improved Cocktail, so I thought absinthe, and that flowed into doing a Sazerac treatment along with the addition of Peychaud's Bitters and lemon oil. The end result was akin something between the Diamonds & Spades as a Ferrari Sazerac and the Tin City Sazerac as a mashup of Red Hook and a Cognac Sazerac. For a name, I dubbed this one Trash Polka after the tattoo style that originated in Germany that combines motifs using black and red ink.

Cocktail summary
Posted by yarm on
Created by
Frederic Yarm, Drink, Boston, MA
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(6 ratings)
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Zachary Pearson commented on 7/26/2022:


I can almost make this - do you think Dopo Teatro would be a decent sub for Punt e Mes? Thanks, Zachary

yarm commented on 7/28/2022:

No clue. Would you use it in a Red Hook with good success?