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Build in lowball over ice, stir


Sub Fernet if Zirbenz is unavailable. Different flavor, but the same function.


Built to honor my dear friend George Sawdy, lover of Scotch, stomper of overgrown trails, sufferer of fool, fighter of inevitability. Simple to make, generous but not extravagant of ingredients, off-beat, and a bit sweet and a bit bitter.

Cocktail summary
Requiem for an Old Friend (sub Fernet for Zirbenz)
©2011 Used with permission.
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Dan Chadwick, Kindred Cocktails
Is the
author's original creation
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User rating
3.5 stars
(7 ratings)
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  • Not bad, not amazing, but drinkable and I love peaty scotch. Maybe play with the dry vermouth and sub in something different for that. Fun drink.
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Cocktailian commented on 5/30/2013:

this is a great utilization of zirbenz! what i really enjoy is a bit of a twist: replacing the bowmore with auchentoshan three-wood (a sweeter scotch), bumping up the zirbenz to 3/4, and eliminating the punt e mes.

Dan commented on 5/30/2013:

But other than that, it's the same drink ;) I'll try your variation and remember my friend George.