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1 1⁄2 oz PInk grapefruit juice
1⁄2 oz Cynar
1⁄2 oz Maurin Quina

Stir with ice to combine - not so much for chilling/dilution - this chould be cool, not cold. Strain into a spirits glass (something with a bowl).


This is a proof-of-concept for an upcoming article. It builds a cherry-like accord between the juice, Gran Classico and Maurin Quina.


Made for TDN: Double Entendre 4/5/12

Cocktail summary
Created by
Zachary Pearson
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(6 ratings)
Yields Drink

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  • Excellent. Floral. Light — ★★★★
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Dan commented on 4/06/2012:

This was excellent. My wife took the glass from me and kept it. I suspect it would work well with white grapefruit juice, too -- maybe even better, depending upon the sweetness of the fruits. I was surprised at how floral it is. The combination really brings out the floral nature of Gran Classico, which Campari lacks. It is also useful as a low-alcohol cocktail. Between the alcohol and the bitterness, it is pleasantly slow-sipping -- perfect for a relaxing afternoon where you might have more than one drink. Yet it drinks like a cocktail, rather than a super-light aperitif.

Zachary Pearson commented on 4/06/2012:


I'm glad y'all liked it - I have a feeling this could be a long drink as well - strain into an ice-filled Collins and top with 3-4 oz of sparkling water.



mahastew commented on 4/06/2012:

I'm looking forward to trying this one. I'd also love some more good recipes that include Maurin Quina, if anyone would like to share.

Zachary Pearson commented on 4/17/2012:


Glad you like it - this was one of those "I'm staring at the liquor cabinet and I have no idea what to make" drinks that turns out to be a happy accident. It's definitely session-y: low alcohol, and bitter enough to force sipping. I think the important thing is not to stir it too long, and if you can, serve it in a small wineglass. I have a set of spirits tasting glasses from Pier One that are sharply tapered at the top and hold about 7 oz total.

