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1⁄4 oz Campari
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice
1⁄2 oz Yuzu syrup

Dry shake with ardor to emulsify the egg white. Add ice, shake again, and strain into a cocktail glass. Decorate with a few drops of Peychaud's bitters.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Leiya Unchained
Created by
Stew Ellington
Is of
unknown authenticity
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(4 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Not very fair rating from me - Had to sub yuzu for a combo of grapefruit and mandarin orange with sugar. Hard to find yuzu but might make a difference.
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sevyryelsdorn commented on 6/30/2019:

I read this as yuzu juice rather than yuzu syrup, in looking for a use for the yuzu juice I bought on a whim. I'm not sure what yuzu syrup is - simple made with yuzus? Regardless, don't make my mistake and substitute yuzu juice for yuzu syrup 1 for 1. Made as such, this was not good.