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1 1⁄2 oz Virgin Islands Rum, Pusser's
1⁄2 oz Amarula Cream
1⁄2 oz Coffee liqueur, Galliano Ristretto
1⁄2 oz Pineapple juice
1 pn Nutmeg (as garnish; optional)

Shake, pour into whatever's handy, garnish with a cinnamon stick and nutmeg, decorate lavishly with fruit that's not quite fresh.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Rafa GarcĂ­a Febles, NYC.
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
2 stars
(2 ratings)
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Shawn C commented on 4/19/2023:

The link has a substantially different recipe: Pusser's Rum (2), Amarula (1), Coffee Liqueur (1/2), Galliano (1/2), Stout (2), blended with 4 oz ice. Nutmeg and cinnamon stick for garnish. No pineapple juice. I haven't tried either yet.