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2 oz Gin, Beefeater
3⁄4 oz Turmeric syrup
3 dr Tea, Lapsang Souchong (tincture; 3-4 drops)
2 ds Orange flower water (sprays, as garnish)
1 twst Orange peel (as garnish)

Build over a large rock in a double rocks glass, starting with the syrup and tincture, adding the gin, and topping with tonic. Garnish with sprays and an orange twist.


Turmeric syrup: 1 cup each of water and sugar, heated with 1/2 cup chopped fresh turmeric, simmered covered for fifteen minutes and let stand for two hours.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Elena, Stir and Strain.
Is an
authentic recipe
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4 stars
(1 rating)
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