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1 oz Averna
1⁄2 oz Maple syrup
1 wdg Orange

Combine first four ingredients in shaker with ice. Squeeze orange wedge into drink and discard. Shake. Add Guinness and mix by pouring from top to bottom glass of shaker. Strain into cocktail glass.

Cocktail summary
Posted by Aular on
Created by
by Trevor Kallies, from
Is an
authentic recipe
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4 stars
(11 ratings)
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  • Class:drink like a monk
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queenshaboo commented on 9/05/2017:

Subbed Bulleit Rye, freshly squeezed grapefruit and Karl Strauss Wreck Alley Stout, OMG this cocktail's YUM!!!!

j6910wright commented on 1/05/2018:

Great cocktail, subbed Cynar for the Averna & Old Rasputin for the Guinness, worked well.  Great winter drink.

Peppermary commented on 5/06/2020:

This is really fun and different. Averna is my new favorite ingredient. It's great on its own, but I could almost imagine making a vanilla ice cream float out of this drink for a mind-blowing dessert.