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2 oz Mezcal
3 oz Coconut cream (Unsweetened)
1⁄2 oz Lime juice

Mix, shake with ice, strain into Collins glass with ice.
Garnish with Mint sprig and grated nutmeg.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Avek cocktail bar, Paris 75002
Is of
unknown authenticity
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(2 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Made it with 2.25 oz coconut cream [NOTE: I used Coco Lopez, the recipe's since been updated] and that was plenty sweet and creamy. Any more would have been cloying and hidden the other flavors.
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Pangolindo commented on 7/07/2020:

You need to use an unsweetened coconut cream/milk. Was it the case?

In france is what we we have at the supermarket. Meant to cook...Not for pastry.

I've just edited the recipe.

coquina commented on 4/17/2021:

Ah, no, where I am in the US only the extremely sweet Coco Lopez-style coconut cream is readily available. Maybe at a South Asian grocery unsweetened could be found. The recipe makes a lot more sense to me now that I know it's intended to be unsweetened coconut cream! I'll remove my rating since I didn't make the drink as it is now written.

Pangolindo commented on 4/18/2021:

It was not an issue. Or swap for dry apricot brandy or apricot fire water. Never tried.