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1 oz Absinthe, Mansinthe
1⁄2 oz Martinique Rum, Rhum JM Blanc
1 oz Coconut syrup (3 parts coconut cream : 1 part coconut milk)
1 spg Mint (as garnish)

Shake, strain over crushed ice in a Collins or hurricane glass, garnish with slapped mint.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Maxwell Britten, Maison Premiere, Brooklyn, NY.
Is an
authentic recipe
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Zachary Pearson commented on 11/02/2013:


Can you clarify the coconut syrup recipe? It's 3 parts of what to 1 part of coconut milk?



DrunkLab commented on 11/03/2013:

It seems likely that Maison Premiere's house coconut mix is three parts coconut cream to one part coconut milk, the same as Donna and, I believe, a few other Brooklyn establishments. I've updated accordingly. I'll check with the MP guys later to make sure.