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1 1⁄2 oz Amer Picon
1 oz Grenadine (or a little less)
2 oz Club soda (Top)
1⁄4 t Bitters, Angostura

Shake Amer Picon, Egg White and Grenedine, pour into an ice filled 'goblet' top off with club soda. Add angostura and stir.

Cocktail summary
Posted by rwilde on
Created by
Recipe was in a Bar-Log of an editor staying on the French Rivera
Is of
unknown authenticity

The Gentleman's Companion, vol. 2 by Charles H. Baker, Jr. (1939)

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From other users
  • Used Liber grenadine; will probably use 1.25 oz next time. Sweet and sippable.
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Dan commented on 2/20/2012:

Quite interesting because of its large amount of bitters. This is another of a small number of drinks from this era using it in more-than-a-dash quantities.

noksagt commented on 12/30/2016:

This is pretty tasty.

Note (re. the previous ~5 yr-old comment) that 1/4 tsp is actually less than 2 modern dashes of the product.