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1 1⁄2 oz Mezcal, Del Maguey Vida
1⁄2 oz Campari
1⁄2 oz Cherry shrub (homemade)

Combine in mixing glass over ice, stir for 30 secs, strain into coupe. Cherry (either freshly pitted or marinated in maraschino) is optional.


Awesome showcase for homemade cherry shrub (base made with 16 oz each demarara sugar, rice vinegar & cider vinegar over 32oz pitted cherries). Assertive mezcal smoke & tangy funk on sip, rich cherry with chocolate touch on swallow, long bitter cherry finish. And it's a jewel-like ruby red drink, Boston Red Sox would be pleased.


Adapted from Michael (Mr. Manhattan) Lazar's experiment with cherry shrub and a resulting mezcal cocktail.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Rob Marais, Boston MA
Is an
altered recipe

Michael Lazar's "Stirred, Not Shaken" blog

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User rating
4 stars
(6 ratings)
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Dan commented on 6/24/2011:

Your cherry shrub recipe seems to be lacking, um, cherries?

Rob Marais commented on 6/24/2011:

Sorry! I used approximately 32 oz of freshly pitted Bing cherries, and the shrub base was poured over them in a jar to cover. Then I let the mix macerate sealed at ambient temp for a week, shaking daily. I decanted tonight and triple strained the mix for clarity's sake into a clean jar.

Biff Malibu commented on 3/20/2022:

Subbed in Heerings for the shrub. Worked pretty well.