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1 oz Bourbon
1 oz Apple brandy, Lairds (bonded)
1 oz Averna
1⁄2 t Allspice Dram
1⁄2 oz Sea salt caramel syrup (Sonoma Syrup Co.)

Shake somewhat casually and strain into a rocks glass containing fresh ice.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Caramel By The Sea
Created by
Stew Ellington
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(1 rating)
Yields Drink

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Bevx commented on 8/24/2013:

Damn you, Stew! You made me go to Sur la Table to get that caramel syrup! Don't you know how easy it is to blow huge wads of cash in that place?... Seriously though, this sounds phenomenal; I can't wait to actually try it. And my mind is racing with other possibilities for the syrup!

Bevx commented on 8/24/2013:

Yup. Phenomenal. Rich and decadent, but not too sweet. A slice of Granny Smith as garnish might be nice, too.

DrunkLab commented on 8/24/2013:

Can't wait to try this one. Does the syrup taste particularly sea salty? I'd rather make my own than buy another bottle at the moment...

Bevx commented on 8/24/2013:

To me, it doesn't taste particularly salty at all. Just the perfect amount to keep the sweet caramel from being cloying. There is a hint of vanilla too... Also, thank you for giving me an excuse to eat a spoonful of caramel sauce.

mahastew commented on 8/24/2013:

I didn't pick up on much salt either. A little more might be nice, although the Averna might not be bitter enough to warrant it.