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From other users
Great martini alternative (Bull Run Regnig Dag Aquavit). We used a small amount of slapped mint in lieu of thyme, which also worked. Love the fresh herbal notes. Agree with dunking lemon peel & leaving in glass. — ★★★★
Garnished with some dried rosemary in lieu of fresh thyme. Considering adding a dash of gin as well for next time.
Just sprayed lemon juice in the glass.
Herbal and refreshing. Used Linie aquavit. Really enjoyed this one.
Very classy. Use the best/most interesting Aquavit on the shelf. I used Løiten Linie and was very happy.
I concur with all the comments above, never would've expected the St Germain to marry so well with the aquavit; the best aquavit cocktail I've come across so far.
Though not low-proof, this had a lightness to it. Would probably be better with a more interesting aquavit than I used.
"Herbaceous without being medicinal" is exactly right.
(Finally something with the aquavit that I'll happily make again!)
Very elegant. Herbaceous without being medicinal. Definitely adding to our roster.
I like the thyme visually but I think the cocktail is even better with the lemon oils on the edge of the glass and the lemon twist dunked in. Great taste. Aquavit rising to a position of prominence in my own personal cocktail cosmos. (it must be that it tastes so much like Swedish limpa.)