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I'm not certain that this is an equal parts drink, but that would fit the Fatigue theme and its purpose: "The team explained that this was meant to be a combination so unique, that it would be novel even to the trained palate of a bartender."

Cocktail summary
Created by
Troy, Toby, Joaquin, Alchemy Consulting.
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
2.5 stars
(2 ratings)
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Pangolindo commented on 1/02/2021:

I thought it was so original that i needed to try despite ranking.

I made a test with 1/4 each on rock. And thought it has potential. It reminded to me some kind of a Brooklyn... Or a Swee' pea from Craig E of kindred.

I've made this, stired in OFD with ice:

1 oz aged jamaican rum,  (>60%), 1 oz knob creek rye,  (>60%), 1/4 bittermens orange citrate, 3/4 maraschino liqueur (Cartron), 1/2 orange wine, 1/3 dolin white, 2 dashes ango. Good stir.

You need strong rum and rye , and luxardo. My maraschino is a bit  too soft to counter the aroma of orange bitters.

The result is quiet good. 4 stars according to me.  You should try for sure.

Thanks to Rafa for posting it.