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2 oz Gin, Plymouth
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
3⁄4 oz Simple syrup
1⁄4 oz Absinthe, Pernod
1 spg Mint (muddled)

Muddle, shake, double strain, straight up, chilled cocktail glass, garnish


If made with Pernod Pastis, increase lime juice to 3/4 oz.


Originally made with Pernod Pastis, then updated to use Pernod Absinthe.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Audrey Saunders and Kenta Goto, Pegu Club, New York, NY
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(30 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Had this at Attaboy during my first visit there
  • Yum
  • not bad
  • Made with navy strength gin and St. George absinthe. Even poured a little narrow, the latter predominated, but once my palate adjusted to the licorice this was nice. — ★★★★
Similar cocktails
Dan commented on 6/22/2011:

Provided attribution, more detailed instructions, and corrected Absinthe to be Pernod Absinthe

Dan commented on 6/24/2011:

Corrected lime juice to reflect Absinthe, added Pastis variation and history