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1 oz Aperol
1 oz Cynar
1⁄2 oz Calisaya
1⁄2 oz Salers Gentiane
2 ds Bitters, Urban Moonshine original

Stir, strain, up.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Nick, The Straight Up.
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(2 ratings)
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From other users
  • Actually on the sweeter side with a lot of herbal/pine-like overtones. I'd consider subbing Campari for Aperol to bring down sweetness, or use 3/4 oz. of the 3 most prominent ingredients.
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bza commented on 9/04/2013:

How's that Calisaya? I think K&L called it Grand Marnier meets Nonino, which sounds ok but a little sweet.

DrunkLab commented on 9/04/2013:

I haven't tried it, though I'm curious to; the blog linked mentions it's similar in sweetness and texture to Gran Classico, though with a lingering syrupy residue on the tongue. As you mention, Driscoll at K&L's a fan.