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3 oz Green tea, Silver moon (Steeped only until you can start to taste some bitterness.)
3⁄4 oz Gin
3⁄4 oz Mead
1⁄8 oz Lime juice
1⁄8 oz Balsamic Vinegar
1⁄8 oz Pastis, Ricard

Shake everything except tea and tonic. Strain into tall glass. Add tea and tonic.


Silver moon tea can be changed for black rose petal tea for a slightly less fruity but more floral flavour.


The first cocktail I have created. I was asked to make something for a wedding and this is what I have come up with so far. IT'S NOT FINISHED THIS IS JUST A FIRST DRAFT. I would love some feedback though!

Cocktail summary
Created by
Liam Hannon, Llanwrda, Wales.
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
3 stars
(2 ratings)
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