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1⁄2 oz Absinthe, Mephisto
1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Death's Door

Put 4 ice cubes into a ~12 oz tall glass. Add absinthe,gin,bitters,lemon juice and swirl around to mix. Top off glass with tonic water. Stir and serve.


This combination of absinthe, gin, and bitters give an earthy flavor and brings out the sweetness in the tonic water. You can also substitute lime juice for lemon juice.


It started from a trail and error of what tastes good together.

Cocktail summary
Created by
R.Shepherd, at home, Melbourne, FL
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
3 stars
(1 rating)
Yields Drink

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LUH5147 commented on 2/23/2013:

Since the recipe has very specific ingredients, I have tried variations to see if the recipe can 'opened' up. I have tried both Ransom Old Tom and
Plymouth for the gin; they both work but the Death's Door gives you a better flavor. With the tonic water, I have tried brands with and without corn syrup sweetener. It turns out, the corn syrup sweetener works better.

Tucker commented on 12/21/2014:

Always hate to be negative but not really a fan. In fairness, did not have Death's Door on hand so used Berkshire Mountain Greylock. Not surprisingly, the absinthe dominates. Couldn't see serving as an alternative to a G&T.