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3⁄4 oz Gin
3⁄4 oz Aromatized wine, Lillet Blanc
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice

Everything in a shaker with ice. Shake, strain, serve up in a chilled coupe glass.


Can substitute Cointreau or triple sec for Grand Marnier. Can substitute Cap Corse Blanc for Lillet Blanc. I actually prefer Cap Corse Blanc in this, but chose to post an authentic recipe rather than an altered one.

Cocktail summary
Created by
David Lebovitz
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(4 ratings)
Yields Drink

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Shawn C commented on 4/20/2023:

4/5, very nice, and a pleasant surprise. I was concerned it might end up too sour/dry, so I used only 1/2 oz of lemon juice (upping the gin for volume), but more lemon would have been fine, as mine was mildly/pleasantly sweet. The base recipe has a modest/moderate ABV so use Grand Marnier which carries sufficient punch and adds color as well as cognac flavor vs. curacao or triple sec. I used Cap Corse Blanc vs. Lillet for more flavor as well as bitter for the swallow, since Cap Corse was an option in David Lebovitz's original recipe.