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1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Tanqueray 10
3⁄4 oz Aromatized wine, Lillet Rose
1⁄2 oz Curaçao
1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1 twst Grapefruit peel (as garnish)

Shake, strain into a sour glass, garnish.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Lucinda Sterling, Middle Branch, NYC.
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
3 stars
(5 ratings)
Yields Drink

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Shawn C commented on 12/26/2023:

The reference link seems to have some connection problems as of 2016, but is accessible through the Wayback Machine as: (Later links seem to take an extremely long time to actually redirect and load? Or don't load at all...odd.) The drink is okay, sort of single note grapefruit/citrus. The Lillet Rose isn't able to add much body against so much citrus acidity, and goes mostly unnoticed.