1 1⁄2 oz Bénédictine
3⁄4 oz Rye, Rittenhouse 100
1 bsp Campari

Stir, strain, straight up, cocktail glass.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Kevin Floyd, Anvil Bar and Refuge, Houston Texas
Is an
authentic recipe
4 stars
4 stars
(8 ratings)
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From other users
  • This one needs some work. Very sweet as written. I swapped ratios for whiskey and benedictine. That helps. May try with one large cube next time.
  • Yeah, awfully sweet, really too syrupy, but enjoyable finish as you'd expect.
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Dan commented on 12/20/2011:

Way too sweet for me, as I suspected it would be. This is a cocktail for someone who likes to sip Benedictine neat. I inverted the ratio of Benedictine to rye and added 1/2 oz of lemon and thought it was then enjoyable, but not spectacular.

I agree with Dan. This cocktail is very very sweet. But I disagree with the opinion, and I think it is delightful! If you like a sweet pow, like I do, then enjoy.

Although I'm half tempted to see if anyone from those days remembers the original spec, I've been playing with it now that the weather has turned. 1.25 Benedictine, 1 Rye, 1/4 Fernet, bsp Campari starts to come into better focus I think. Thanks,  Zachary