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1 oz Aperol
1⁄2 oz Fernet Branca
2 ds Bitters, 5 by 5 Aged Citrus
1 twst Orange peel

Shake liquor and bitters, strain into a chilled low-ball glass full of ice. Top off with ginger beer and garnish with a twist of orange


Make sure to use a wider peel to really bring out the orange oil flavor


I wanted to make a cooler style cocktail that had more depth than the usual bittersweet. The strong mesquite smokeyness of Mezcal--surprisingly--fit really well with the more traditional cooler components like Aperol and Fernet. Great top and bottom notes

Cocktail summary
Picture of No. 67
2011 Kindred Cocktails
Created by
Jason Westplate, Britt Buckley at Buckley's Restaurant & Bar
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(16 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Nice way to use ginger beer. (used RGB)
  • One of the best ginger beer cocktails I have had.
  • Linda really liked this one! — ★★★★
  • So good and layered, bitter, spicy, smokey. It is a drink to contemplate life with.
  • Quite good change of pace — ★★★★
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LuK commented on 6/07/2013:

I like it, a bit rough on the edges. Fits well with 5 by 5 aged citrus bitters that make it more harmonious.

hypoxicboy commented on 6/19/2013:

I was pleasantly surprised by this! :) I was expecting a disaster (fernet and ginger beer seemed strange to me!) but I liked it a lot.

Cocktailian commented on 2/11/2014:

done and done--you were totally right with the bitters call

Zachary Pearson commented on 2/11/2014:

Curated this slightly - changed Aged Citrus Bitters, 5 by 5 to Bitters, 5 by 5 Aged Citrus, just to clean up the ingredient pile.

