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1 oz Rye (~100 proof range)
1 oz Okar Island Bitter
1 oz Dry vermouth, Carpano Dry (or other quality dry vermouth)
1 twst Lemon peel

Stir with ice, strain into chilled cocktail glass, express peel into glass, garnish.


I have used Rittenhouse and Wild Turkey 101 Rye for this and it has been well received by family. Another dry vermouth would do, but I like the profile of Carpano Dry for this.

The Okar Island Bitter is probably closest to Select Aperitivo in its overall bitter/sweet profile and balance. The differences are that the Okar doesn't have the clear vibrant red color of the Select, and it has a subtle mint and red berry while Select has more rhubarb flavor.


Simple riff on the Old Pal, with a nod to the unique flavors of the Australian Okar Island Bitter.

I ran the name past Steve Roennfeldt to make sure it wouldn't come off as cringe-worthy Down Under, and he approved.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Shawn C., Fresno, CA
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
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4 stars
(3 ratings)
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