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1⁄2 oz Lime juice
1 bsp Allspice Dram, St Elizabeth
1 twst Pomegranate peel (extra long, *garnish)
1 ? Sugar (super-fine, *garnish)

Shake, double strain into a chilled, crusta'd coupette (rimmed w/ lime juice and coated w/ super-fine sugar), and garnish with an extra long pomegranate peel


Pama "Are You Indispensable" Competition Cocktail


I didn't want a sweetening component in the cocktail to tame the wonderful sweet-tart character of Pama, so inspiration struck in the form of the crusta which allows the imbiber to adjust the level of sweetness sip to sip. In place of the traditional brandy and lemon I chose tequila and lime backed by the island spice of allspice dram

Cocktail summary
Pamalagro Crusta
©Jason Westpate 11/17/14
Created by
Jason Westplate
Is the
author's original creation
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5 stars
(1 rating)
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