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1 1⁄2 oz Pisco
3⁄4 oz Lemon juice

Shake, stain, straight up, cocktail glass


Riff on an Aviation

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
KD1191, eGullet
Is an
altered recipe
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User rating
3.5 stars
(11 ratings)
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From other users
  • I should like this more than I do... A bit too much lemon perhaps? Might try with lime also...
  • Personally, I'd use a lot less Crème de Violette. Also might be interesting to try the Cooper Creme de Yvette, although the vanilla flavors may clash.
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christina in tacoma commented on 9/11/2011:

If you try the Tempus Fugit instead of the Rothman & Winter, I think that will eliminate the desire to use less of the Violette. In fact, I doubled it, and it was still pretty gentle on the floral notes.

I don't know much about Pisco, other than to look for a Peruvian brand. I have Guacamayo, and I haven't been crazy about any of the Pisco drinks I have tried. Would anyone recommend another brand, or am I just not a Pisco girl? (I did like it in Peru a few years ago, but sometimes context is everything).

Dan commented on 9/12/2011:

Your answer for spirit recommendations is at your fingertips, RESOURCES > RECOMMENDED BRANDS.

There was also a thread about Pisco on Chowhound in the Spirits board. Alas, I did not recognize many of the recommended brands from my visits to the local liquor store in Boston.

Biff Malibu commented on 12/22/2021:

A bit tart - add a brandied cherry and a barspoon of juice.