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1 1⁄2 oz Mezcal, Banhez
1⁄2 oz Herbal liqueur, Green Chartreuse
1⁄3 oz Aveze
1 oz Brandied cherry, Luxardo
1 sli Orange peel (Flamed, as garnish)

Stir ingredients with ice, strain into a chilled Nick and Nora glass with a Luxardo cherry at the bottom. Flame an orange peel/coin over the top.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Bert Bedford, Tacoma, Washington
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(6 ratings)
Yields 1 Drink

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bkopynec commented on 4/05/2024:

Good enough to have been on the Mayahuel menu. Pretty sure that Phil Ward would approve.

Shawn C commented on 4/05/2024:

Are you saying the same recipe (e.g. ingredient list) was on the Mayahuel menu at some point?