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2 oz Gin
3⁄4 oz Honey syrup (see note)

Combine gin, honey syrup and lime juice in a cocktail shaker and stir until honey is dissolved. Shake with ice and strain into a glass. Can be served up or over ice.


The honey syrup is 3:1 with hot water, stirred to combine.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Sasha Petraske
Is an
authentic recipe

Regarding Cocktails pg. 85

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4 stars
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From other users
  • Nice amber color, hint of honey and lime: very, very interesting. Sour, but not too harsh. I'll bet Madelyn would like it... I definitely will make this again. The honey really makes this interesting.
Similar cocktails
Craig E commented on 3/12/2017:

Regarding Cocktails (p. 85) credits Sasha Petraske for this drink (with 3/4oz honey syrup). 

Zachary Pearson commented on 3/12/2017:

Curated this - added creator, updated the source cite (the previous was a bad link). Corrected honey syrup recipe, corrected amount of honey syrup. Thanks,  Zachary