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7⁄8 oz Gin, Tanqueray
2⁄3 oz Suze
1 bsp Grenadine
1 wdg Lime (as garnish)

Shake and strain into a Martini glass. Garnish.


Tip: When you’re halfway through the cocktail, squeeze the lime wedge into the remainder. This transforms the cocktail so the lime dominates a bit more over the Suze. The two tastes of the Tokyo Station are supposed to mimic a train coming and going.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Hisashi Sugimoto, Bar Oak, Tokyo Station Hotel
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(5 ratings)
Yields Drink

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EtherPole commented on 4/15/2022:

It has a nice balance of sweet sour and bitter.
I tried it with a half salted rim, and that elevated it more.