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3⁄4 oz Luxardo Fernet
1⁄2 oz Crème de Cacao, Tempus Fugit
8 dr Bitters, Bitters Old Men (Macadamia Nut)

Build in snifter and stir.


This is a room temperature cocktail. If it's too hot you can stir and strain, but add a little more whiskey to taste.

Cocktail summary
Posted by bza on
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author's original creation
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flickerdart commented on 3/31/2021:

Used Fernet Branca - perhaps the menthol with that one is too strong. Could see a lemon peel adding to it. 

nemovere commented on 10/08/2022:

Didn't have Macadamia bitters, so used chocolate bitters to avoid introducing anything totally foreign to the drink. A great recipe, but hard to describe. More than the sum of its parts, which are all recognizable in the taste. It's a drink that makes you think.

Nice to find a recipe specifically calling for Luxardo Fernet now that I've acquired a bottle to explore beyond Fernet Branca.