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1 oz Applejack (or Apple brandy or Calvados)
1⁄2 oz Lemon juice

Stir with ice in old fashioned glass, serve.


Also good with apple brandy or calvados.

Cocktail summary
Is of
unknown authenticity
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(12 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • put in slightly less lemon juice
  • Small, but works well at this scale. Good use of Applejack. — ★★★★
  • I took a sip... then another... then another... and the drink was gone. A deceitfully tasty libation that vanishes more quickly than it can be made.
  • Accessible lemony sour with subtle apple flavors. — ★★★★★
Similar cocktails
Dan commented on 12/24/2010:

Added suggestion for apple brandy / calvados and combined duplicate recipes.

robertinCLE commented on 2/19/2012:

Yum! I agree with the previous comment... this is a smooth, delicious drink that doesn't not seem "strong" in its flavor despite the amount of high-proof alcohol included. I made a double in a Collins glass and while it was a little short for the glass, it saved me the inevitable task of making another!