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1 1⁄2 oz Old Tom Gin, Ransom
1 1⁄2 oz Amaro Montenegro
1 twst Lemon peel (as garnish)

Stir, strain, up, twist.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Danguole, 10th Kitchen.
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(24 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Found the amounts to work well as written for Maraska maraschino and Dashfire cardamom bitters.
  • Solidly good drink, although the maraschino (used luxardo) is a little heavy.
  • A fantastic drink — layered and balanced. Works well in all seasons. My only adjustment was to bump the Maraschino down to a tsp. — ★★★★★
  • Very good. Personally added 1/8-1/4 oz rich simple.
Similar cocktails
MOJO1229 commented on 7/16/2016:

I can sum it up in three words: A FANTASTIC DRINK! I rated this drink as a five, something I raarely do. I rate a drink when: the drink is relatively easy to fix, and does not take much time to prepare. Also, the ingredients are easy to find, can be used in a variety of drinks (I hate to buy an ingredient that is somewhat pricey--say $30 on up--and is used only for that drink); i.e., the ingredients are versatile, and a will not lanquish on the shelf for years. Also, the drink is inherently tasty, it's not one that you have to "aquire" a taste for. Finally, it's drink that is popular with the general public and had been popular for several decades. Drinks like the martini, or the old fashioned, or the Rob Roy are examples of drinks that I would rate a five, even though I, personally don't care for vodkas. The Raton Canyon Cocktail, in my opinion should justify a five rating: All of the ingredients are easy to find and buy, individually they aren't real expensive, but each one can be used in many different cocktail recipies. It's a very tasty drink, with a variety of ingredients that blend together simply marverously into what I describe as a truly unforgettable. Yes, with no doubt, the Raton Canyon Cocktail is truly a five cocktail. Bottoms up, but slowly, and enjoy a truly unforgettable drink.

MOJO1229 commented on 6/16/2016:

I can sum it up in three words: A FANTASTIC DRINK! I rated this drink as a five, something I raarely do. I rate a drink as a five when: the drink is relatively easy to fix, and does not take much time to prepare. Also, the ingredients are easy to obtain, and they can be used in a variety of drinks (I hate to buy an ingredient that is somewhat pricey--say $30 on up--and is used only for that drink); in short the ingredients are versatile, and a will not lanquish on the shelf for years, seldom used. Also, the drink is inherently tasty, it's not one that you have to "aquire" a taste for. Finally, it's a drink that is popular with the general public and has been popular for several decades--in short, not a fad.

Drinks like the martini, or the old fashioned, or the Rob Roy are examples of drinks that I would rate a five, even though I, personally don't care for dry martinis. In my opinion, it's easy to justify a five rating for The Raton Canyon Cocktail: Only a few ingredients are needed, all of the ingredients are easy to find and buy; individually they aren't real expensive, and each ingredient is versatile, i.e. each one can be used in a variety of different cocktails In short, it's a very tasty drink, with only a few ingredients that blend together simply marverously into what I describe as a truly unforgettable.cocktail. Yes, with no doubt, the Raton Canyon Cocktail truly deserves a five rating. Bottoms up, but slowly, so you can enjoy a truly unforgettable drink.

drinkingandthinking commented on 2/09/2024:

enjoyable, but a bit sweet. I agree with the other comments. Go a bit lighter on the maraschino and the bitters.