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1 oz Gin
1 oz Cynar
1 ds Peychaud's Bitters (or Angostura or orange)
1 wdg Orange (squeezed)
1 wdg Orange (as garnish)

Stir and strain, or build. Squeeze one wedge and garnish with the other

Cocktail summary
Posted by Dan on
Created by
Washington Post
Is of
unknown authenticity
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(37 ratings)
Yields Drink

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From other users
  • Bitter and delicious. Great cynar drink. Not overpowering, but there. Surprisingly smooth. Maybe try juice from a half an orange?
  • Bitter but delicious; if you like negronis and cynar this will hit the spot. Don't forget to squeeze a little orange juice in; the orange and gin really play well together
  • pretty good. I have everything needed for it. made it without a fresh orange (just juice and no garnish). Still good.
  • A Cynar negroni. The Peychauds improve it.
  • 1/4/17: Made equal parts, with Carpano Antica. Really, really tasty. Slightly more sweet and less bitter version of a Negroni. 1/14/17: Made with Alessia vermouth. Also tasty.
  • Year Round Gin
  • Pleasantly bitter with Punt e Mes. A couple of drops of saline work well.
  • Excellent! Definitely do the squeezed orange and the Peychaud's makes a fine difference!
  • Yes, Punt e Mes goes so nicely with Cynar. I use an orange twist and have not tried adding bitters yet. On the rocks is lovely.
  • Delicious with Punt e Mes. Upgraded to 5 stars. Very good. Similar to a Negroni, maybe a bit sweeter and slightly less bitter. Good on the rocks. — ★★★★★
Similar cocktails
jkim07 commented on 4/18/2015:

Lovely- twice the gin, a bit more Cynar &, as noted, Punt e Mes, balances the sweetness- playing w/ Plymouth

stirred commented on 10/30/2023:

Made it with 1.5 Gin (Botanist)
1 Carpano Antica
1 Cynar
3 dashes Peychaud's
Expressed lemon peel garnish

Feels more balanced to my palate than the 1:1:1 version, which can be a touch cloying.

Next time I'd like to try a few drops of saline.