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1⁄4 oz Maple syrup
1 twst Orange peel (as garnish)

Build ingredients in glass; add fresh ice and stir. Garnish with orange peel.

Cocktail summary
Picture of The Thunderdome
Created by
Adam Schmidt and Madeline Caldwell at The Manhattan Inn, Brooklyn NY
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
4 stars
(6 ratings)
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  • Unrepentantly Fernet-y.
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iamhalfred commented on 2/01/2014:

Good, but Fernet-y. Must be in the mood for Fernet. Made with Michter's and smoked ice cube. A good intro to Fernet Branca as the flavor profile is still the most prominent, but more subdued. If some one said "Never had it, would like to try it." I'd make them this.