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2 oz Gin, St. George Terroir (Perhaps a lighter gin, such as Tanqueray Ten or Martin Miller)
3⁄8 oz Absinthe, St. George
1 twst Orange peel
1 twst Lemon peel

Combine the gin, absinthe, and bitters into an ice-filled mixer, shake until cold. Strain into a cold Old Fashion glass. Express the oils from the orange and lemon peels, and drop peels in glass. Add a large ice cube if desired..


Strong star anise and wormwood notes

Cocktail summary
Created by
Michael O'Neill
Is an
altered recipe

Dorflinger in KindredCocktails

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From other users
  • Be cautious with the absinthe; needs more of a citrus taste. Lemon? Other bitters?
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