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2 oz Rum, Havana Club Añejo Especial
1 oz Cinnamon syrup (See note)

Add all ingredients to a crushed ice-filled shaker and shake for 30 seconds. Pour, unstrained, into a tall glass. Garnish with a spent lime half and a sprig of mint.


To make the syrup bring a cup each of water and demerara sugar to the boil and add 3 sticks of cinnamon and 10 allspice berries. Stir until dissolved then remove from heat and cover for 2 hours before straining.


I originally used a rum distilled in Key West with very limited availability (16 bottles total). I created this drink for the 2016 Hemmingway Look Alike Society winner Dave Hemmingway (no relation but the only winner with the same last name).

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