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1⁄2 oz Rhum Agricole, Neisson (Blanc)
1⁄2 oz Jamaican rum, Appleton (Reserve)
1⁄2 oz Barbados Rum, Plantation 5 Year
3⁄4 oz Lime juice
1⁄2 oz Orgeat
1 pn Cinnamon (grated, as garnish)

Build in mai tai glass, garnish with grated cinnamon.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Ben Sandrof, Painkiller, NYC
Is an
authentic recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
4.5 stars
(5 ratings)
Yields Drink

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yarm commented on 7/02/2020:

Technically, Ben Sandrof was at Drink in Boston when he created this and it made the menu at PKNY as a guest item (Ben to the best of my knowledge never did a shift there). Also of note is that the Cuban Anole is a lizard with a bifurcated penis, and this was important for Ben to tell me when he served this drink at his Sunday Night Salon (he took over the back room at Trina's Starlite Lounge one night a week with his own menu and a separate entry around back for a year before they converted that section into Parlor Sports).

davidnir commented on 11/27/2021:

The first sip or two is tasty, but ultimately I found the drink too sweet. Even though PKNY listed it in the Mai Tai section of its menu (I'm guessing because of the agricole), the lack of Curaçao makes it a lot closer to a Daiquiri. The spec, then, only has 1.5 oz of r(h)um to 1 oz of syrup, making it proportionally almost twice as sweet as a traditional Daiq, which would typically have 2 oz of rum and just .75 oz of sugar. I personally would not make again.

drjones commented on 2/28/2023:

I gave this 4 stars but only after I reduced the Orgeat & Cinnamon syrup down to .75 oz total combined and upped the, what I used was, Cachaça to 1 oz. I love interesting and complex flavors in cocktails and that's what funky rums do for me in tiki drinks.