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1 oz Barbados Rum, Doorly's XO
2⁄3 oz Amaro, Vecchio Amaro del Capo
2⁄3 oz Lime juice
2⁄3 oz Tonic water, Fever Tree (Mediterranean)

Shake everything but tonic water.
Top with tonic


Herbal tones of del capo are nearly absent.
Tried without tonic water, and was much better with it.
Tartness decreased a lot with tonic, making an easy sipper aperitivo with Amaro undertones.


Having Christmas with family in Barcelona, Spain.
Bought a lot of liquors because of cheap price.

Mediterranean tonic water is a must have for tonic drinks: Soft bitterness and very good taste.
Perfect for gin tonic.

Difficult to find in France.

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