4 cube Ice
1 cube Sugar
1 wdg Pineapple
1 twst Lime peel
6 oz Champagne

Choose a large tapering champagne cocktail glass; inside of this build a tower of 4 ice cubes, crown it with a lump of sugar saturated with 4 dashes of orange bitters. Against the sides of the glass lean 2 sticks of ripe fresh pineapple, encircle the ice tower with a spiral of green lime peel, and fill with well chilled champagne, medium dry, and not too acid in type. Now as the crowning gesture carefully float on 1 tbsp of Cointreau.

Cocktail summary
Posted by rwilde on
Created by
Jocky Club, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Is of
unknown authenticity

The Gentleman's Companion vol. 2 by Charles H. Baker (1939)

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