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Stir, strain, snifter.

Cocktail summary
Created by
Paulo Pereira, Brass Union, Somerville, MA.
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Kindred Cocktails commented on 1/08/2015:

Wow. I didn't know about Brass Union, despite being (long) walking distance from me. I'll definitely try it. For this recipe, I suspect that a very dry Amontillado is called for, lest it be too sweet. 

DrunkLab commented on 1/08/2015:

@Dan any sherry that sells itself as an amontillado should, in theory, be completely dry, though there are definitely some on the market that taste like they have added sugar (which makes them actually cream sherries, I guess). I assume the honey syrup in this recipe is 1:1.

Zachary Pearson commented on 1/08/2015:

Rafa is right. You can no longer sweeten dry styles of Sherry (Fino, Manzanilla, Amontillado, Palo Cortado, Oloroso) and still call them by that name. Thanks, Zachary