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1 1⁄2 oz Cynar
1 1⁄2 oz Averna
4 dr Bolivar Bitters, Bittercube

Add Cynar and Amaro to an ice filled tall glass (~16oz). Top with ginger beer, gently stir, and garnish with bitters


This drink has a wonderful tartness and herbal bitterness that play nicely with the spice and sweet attributed to ginger beers.


I had a similar cocktail for the first time at RPM Chicago and loved the really bright flavor profile their Milano Mule had. As an aficionado of Gin based mules I was excited to see a variation that had a real original twist. I wanted to improve the profile of the drink a little bit, and I'm very happy with the results

Cocktail summary
Created by
Jason Westplate, RPM Chicago
Is an
altered recipe
Not yet rated
User rating
3.5 stars
(10 ratings)
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  • Used Woodford Reserve cherry bitters instead, tasted like a bitter cherry coke
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