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1 1⁄2 oz Gin, Breuckelen Distilling Glorious Gin
1 oz Aromatized wine, Cocchi Americano
1 bsp Absinthe, Letherbee (Barrel aged)
2 oz Club soda
1 sli Tangerine
1 t Sugar, Domino (vanilla infused, see note)

Muddle the slice of tangerine (peeled) with the sugar and absinthe in a Collins glass. Add remaining ingredients – except the club soda – and stir a few times. Add the ice, top with the soda, express the peel.


To make the vanilla sugar, I leave a vanilla bean, split and cut into a few pieces, in the standard container Domino superfine sugar comes in for at least a week.
The Breuckelen is rather grapefruit-forward and on the lighter end. I thought vanilla would go well with it, and Cocchi is always lovely, but this is almost too delicate. I'm open to suggestions.

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