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2 oz Scotch
1 oz Gentian liqueur

Stir in a mixing glass with ice to chill, then strain into a double Old Fashioned glass filled ¾ of the way with crushed ice. Top with additional crushed ice to ascend above the rim of the glass, and add a straw.


Bitter and cold. Used Shackleton Scotch, Salers (Suze would also be acceptable), and Tempus Fugit crème de menthe.


Named for Ernest Shackleton’s ship “Endurance,” which, trapped in Antarctic pack ice, sank in 1915 and was discovered in 2022. Used “Shackleton” Scotch whisky as the base, a blended malt based on bottles discovered at one of Ernest Shackleton’s earlier expedition sites.

Cocktail summary
Picture of Endurance
Created by
Greg Shutters
Is the
author's original creation
Not yet rated
User rating
3 stars
(1 rating)
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grshutters commented on 7/06/2022:

Tried again with Suze and Glenlivet 12 Year single malt. Salers may work a tad better here, but either will do the trick. Still very good.