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3 part Gin, Art in the Age Sage
3⁄4 part Simple syrup
1 1⁄2 oz Lime juice

Shake, strain, straight up, chilled cocktail glass.

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Dan commented on 1/08/2013:

Moderated for style. 1-1/2 lime (juiced) was changed to 1-1/2 oz lime juice, since an average-sized lime yields about 1 oz. We prefer specific volume measurements whenever possible to make the recipe repeatable. Limes vary far too much in size and juiciness to specify them by each.

Also, Art in the Age Sage appears to be essentially a type of gin, so the ingredient was moderated to a brand of gin.

Zachary Pearson commented on 1/11/2013:

I love that the source says to "measure responsibly", then proceeds to give part units ;) Setting a part = 1 oz. gives you a large drink, but makes the 2:1 sour:sweet ratio make sense. A part = 3/4 oz. means 2 1/4 SAGE, a shade more than 1/2 oz simple, and a bit more than an ounce of lime juice, which I think makes a lot more sense.